National Youth Statement Draft Title: Future in Focus: Amplifying the Youth Voices

Kathmandu, Nepal.
We gathered together at the LCOY Nepal 2024 to learn and express on the ground realities of young people to address the adverse impacts of changing climate from the mountains to the plains. We stand with the added responsibility and opportunity to express the needs and demands of childrens and youths from all across the country to combat the climate crisis.

The world is facing the triple planetary crisis exacerbating the vulnerabilities and inequalities in the communities; it's high time we act on it “IT'S NOW OR NEVER”.  It is for us, the next generation and our upcoming future.
We call upon all of you to join your hands together with us to achieve the vision to create a safe, sustainable and resilient future for all.  We present our call to action upon:
Capacity Building and Networking: Youth participation in the climate discourse has often been undermined due to limited capacities and skills required for actions and solutions. So, we demand for dedicated capacity building programs and initiatives for children and youths for meaningful climate actions. 
Climate education: Inclusive climate education and awareness programs should be promoted and mainstreamed for children and youths, reaching out to the vulnerable and targeted groups. to leverage their capacities.
Research and Innovation: We demand for more rigorous investments in youth led interdisciplinary research projects  and innovations to facilitate youth-led initiatives and promote climate action.   
Technology and skill transfer and exchange: Children and youth centered initiatives should not be confined to a particular area,  instead skill, technology & knowledge exchange programs among the children and youths from different regions should be promoted. Dedicated mechanisms or platforms should be created for knowledge and skill exchange among children and youth.
Collaboration and Partnership: Enhance and enforce collaboration and partnership amongst the government agencies, civil society organizations, private sectors, indigenous people, young people, and other vulnerable groups for implementing the plans and programs effectively and efficiently.